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3 Ways A Smart Home Company Will Save You Energy

Reduce your monthly energy bills with a home automation system

3 Ways A Smart Home Company Will Save You Energy

Nowadays, we are trying to find more ways to save energy and, in turn, cut down on our monthly bills. While remembering to turn off lights and saving water are essential, there is a more effective and comprehensive way to cut down on energy usage. Learn three ways that a smart home company will help to save you energy in your Berlin, MD home.


Lighting Control

Lutron lighting control adds convenience and efficiency to your lifestyle. Dimmers allow you to personalize your lighting usage while also saving energy; dimming your lighting by 25% reduces energy usage by 20%.

Have you ever gotten home from work only to realize that you or your kids left the lights on all day, running up your electricity bill? A home automation system will ensure that your lights are on only when you need them. Using motion sensors, your system will confirm that the lights are on when the room is occupied and will automatically turn them off when it is not. This will reduce energy wasted by lights left on in an empty room.

You can also schedule your lights to turn off automatically at a particular time every day, such as ten minutes after you usually leave for work, so that you don't even need to worry about turning them off. With Lutron’s Sunset Tracker, your lights will turn on and off with the sun without fail, no matter the weather conditions or daylight savings time.

Phantom Energy Drain

Many appliances use power even when they are turned off, such as your dryer and microwave. Ten percent of your monthly electric bill is from this phantom energy drain. You could unplug your appliances when they aren’t in use, but this is time-consuming and inconvenient. A home automation system will turn off the appliances' standby modes, ensuring that they are only using energy when they are actively in use. Best of all, this is handled entirely by your home automation system, so after installation, you can just sit back and enjoy the savings.

Climate Control

A climate control system and motorized shades will make your home the perfect temperature while also cutting down HVAC usage. Schedule temperature changes that fit your family's schedule. For example, program your AC or heater to turn off ten minutes after you leave for work. Then, schedule it to turn on again ten minutes before you get home so that it is the perfect temperature when you walk through the door.

You can then further coordinate this with your other smart home technologies such as lights, shades, fans, and more to further increase energy savings. When your Lutron motorized window treatments are open, sunlight streams in and heats up the room. If you are trying to cool off your home, your smart home system will close your shades before turning on the AC, reducing your reliance on your HVAC system. The opposite is also true; your system can open your shades to warm up a room before turning on a heater. Program your shades to open and close throughout the day to utilize sunlight and control your climate at peak efficiency, all without you having to lift a finger.

Reduce your energy consumption by partnering with a top-rated smart home company. Call Impact Home Technology at (410) 219-3095, fill out our online contact form, or chat with us by clicking the “Let’s Talk” tab at the bottom of this page. We look forward to hearing from you.

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